Sunday, June 19, 2011

From Small Business CEO to Big Business CEO

So you made it! Your start-up company, that you started with your own two hands has become a "real" company. You have a nice turnover and several 10's of people in the company. Now it is a crucial time in the future of your company. Becouse, you see, managing a start-up is not like managing a big company. There are many adjustments that you as a CEO need to make in your handeling and attitude in order to make the transition from a small business CEO to a big business CEO. As a small business CEO, you are probably used to be in control of every aspect of the business; all the decisions are yours to make and everyone is being managed by you. However, now that you have become a big business CEO, you need to make one of the most difficult things and that is to delegate responsibilities. You need to understand that you cannot stay in control of every aspect of the business, and that from now on others might need to make decisions instead of you.
As CEO you have to remember that your job is to give direction to the company, and make sure that its future is as bright as its past. However, if you will keep micromanaging your employees, and the daily routine work you will not be able to fulfill your duties as CEO. You will become overworked with managing the sales, marketing, HR, R&D, etc. This workload will not allow you to dedicate the needed time to think about the future as you will be buried under the daily workload.
The above does not mean that you should keep your hands off of the daily goings. Rather it is to say that you should be like a ship captain where you supervise a crew of people that are able to do the job and you are to make the necessary adjustments when the ship is going off course, or if there is a need to make a new course. This is why it is so important that at this stage you will have good managers in your organization that can take good decision and deliver the necessary results.  

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